Journals have started encouraging share data relevant to the research on public repositories at the time of submission. Does anyone know what data should be shared and examples of such repositories?
You would usually check the website of the publisher or journal. In the UK you can see publisher policies on this website [ ]. BW Matt
Thank you so much Matt Holland for providing the link, that is truly appreciated, but does this mean that publishers have different policies with regards to the forms of data they need from authors to share?
As far as I know publishers operate as independent entities around publishing. In other words within the context of the subject norms they work in they have individual policies. A possible exception to this is in Medical publishing where protocols to report results are standardised. You can see a list of these protocols here [ ]. Publishers for example may insist on these for some topics. These should be stated on their website as well. BW Matt
Hello, in the case of Mexico the data vary depending on the interest in disseminating the information and especially on the depth with which you want to describe the magazine articles. There is a regulation for the collection of information with a series of labels in Dublin Core, but the other labels are optional depending on what you want to make known. I invite you to consult this information at: