6 Questions 117 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Matt Holland
One of the challenges of writing strategies in small (health care) libraries is being able to look outside the library and see what forces might shape the Opportunities and Threats we face in the...
21 January 2015 7,735 4 View
Having moved from a large to a small library I wonder about the effectiveness in terms of resources of face to face information skills teaching. Is there a better way? Is the concentration on...
31 October 2014 4,320 12 View
Working without a physical library creates more opportunities than challenges. Is it time to start thinking less about technology and more about how to construct services for users of...
26 April 2014 2,372 16 View
I have put together this list of the characteristics of a virtual library service. Is there anything missing? What would your top three be?
01 November 2013 7,501 5 View
I have been thinking about why we use social networking tools for research from the point of view of the motivation of the researcher. In other words to answer the What, Why and How questions. I...
17 September 2013 3,425 7 View
The revised RG Score uses the reputation of those who view, comment or interact with you to calculate your score. The higher their score the greater the impact on your score will be. However,...
19 November 2012 2,194 7 View