My task is to quantify double positive cells in the retina. Currently I use and antibody against BrdU (Alexa 555) and a transgenic reporter gfap:nls-gfp. Unfortunately the transgenic reporter is not evenly expressed so double positive cells might be missed, thus I am searching for a different way of acquiring images.

My current setup was to take tile scans at the confocal microscope (LSM780) with a 25x water immersion objective to obtain proper cellular resolution. The Scans also include Z-stack, since the sections are 14µm.

Problem here is that first the scans take very long approximately 1,5h and I have lots of samples to quantify. Another problem is that sometimes sections are not perfectly flat on the slides (e.g. air bubble below), which increases the Z axis and thus again the time component. Also the transgenic background is not perfect. 

Regarding the time there might be also an issue of bleaching.

I was thinking about an enzymatic staining to eliminate some of the issues above but not sure if that will help, especially with colocalization. Another idea was to use Qdot antibodies.

Hope someone of you can help me with this.

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