Hey there,

I isolate DNA/RNA by using the All Prep DNA/RNA Qiagen Kit (96 well plates). Usually the isolation works fine although I must admit I do not have tremendous amounts of DNA/RNA at the end. However, for the last two isolations (using 16 samples (PBMCs) each), I made a small change in the protocol (still establishing my methods in the lab...): After lysing the cells with RLT lysis buffer, I centrifuge the cells shortly (just a few sec at max. 800xg) and put the lysed cells directly on dry ice overnight. The next day I warm up the lysate (for a few minutes in the 37°C waterbath), centrifuge again for a few sec (just so all liquid is at the bottom of the tube) and follow the protocol as written in the handbook. Since I changed the protocol, I have higher amounts of DNA (measuring with DeNovix without any fluorescence dye or so...) and NO RNA left! Can anyone explain why? The handbook says its ok to freeze the lysate at -70°C for several months. Might it be that the DNA and RNA does not separate properly after freezing therefore I have higher amounts of DNA but no RNA at the end? Do you have any suggestion how to handle the freezing? I need to freeze the lysates since I will only have a few patient samples at the time and need to collect more for isolation...using columns (meaning the AllPrep Kit with 50 single columns) is not really an option because its quite time consuming to process more then 300 samples...

Thank you for your help!


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