We have our mitochondrial protein of interest in a mammalian expression vector with a C terminal Turbo GFP (from origene).  We want to over express this protein in bacteria, purify it then add it to cells and track its uptake into mitochondria.  We have already cloned the gene-TurboGFP construct into a pET vector but I just noticed that on the web description of Turbo GFP, it says that it is not the best choice as a fusion protein because it requires dimer formation to be fluorescent.  Does anyone have experience using turbo GFP in this way?  Do you think it would be worth expressing and purifying the gene-TurboGFP construct that we already have or should I just go with another GFP probe?  Any suggestions on another probe that comes as a C terminal fusion in a bacterial exression vector would be helpful.   

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