Hi, I found ultracentrifugation is one of the convenient and reliable method of exosome isolation from literature study, though different isolation kits are available. Bt I don't know the detailed protocol of this. Can anybody help in this regard..?
You could use a specific antibody that is expressed on the exosomes and separate using facs sorter or antibody -bead separation to separate cell specific exosomes . I think if you want a complete exosomes Ultracentrifuge is the best way.
Hi there! If you are trying to visualize the mitochondria, how about isolating your mitochondria in a suspension of PBS (or whatever buffer you might use), then fixing them in 3% glutaraldehyde in buffer? You could then centrifuge, pour off the fix and re-suspend in a PBS rinse. Take a drop of the suspension and apply it to a formvar/carbon coated grid, let it dry and examine on a TEM. You might get further enhancement with a uranyl acetate negative stain. Shadow-casting would be recommended but not absolutely necessary. I just don't know how beat up your mitochondria would be, but I have done exosomal suspensions before with good results. It's all in the sample prep. Good luck! I can give you more details if this idea appeals to you.
I have successfully used the protocol in available via Cerrent Protocols to itsy isolate exosomes from conditioned culture medium. It is a long process, but effective.