05 December 2023 2 8K Report

Hello everyone! I bought a KOD HotStart DNA Pol, from Merck Millipore. By reading the specifications and datasheet i could notice that this enzyme is capable of amplifying up to 21kb of plasmid DNA.

I'd like to amplify an entire plasmid of approximately 12kb, but besides the specification saying that the enzyme is able to do so, i cannot find any detailed protocol on how to do it. (There is a chart that came with the product that says that for PCR products longer than 3kb, i should set the extension time from 10s / kb to 25s / kb, which for my purpose, would mean a total extension time of 5 minutes per cycle, and i'm not too sure if it is going to work this way, since i've had bad experiences in the past by trying with long extension times. Although this was with other enzymes, i wouldn't like it happening again!)

So, if anyone has done anything similar before with KOD Hotstart and could share your PCR setup with me, i'd be really thankful!


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