This method creates an AcisFile object from a file containing IGES-format geometry. This object is subsequently used by the PartFromGeometryFile method.
Required argument
A String specifying the path to the IGES file to open.
Optional arguments
A SymbolicConstant specifying the method used to define the trim curves that bound parametric surfaces. Possible values are:
DEFAULT, use either of the following as specified by the contents of the IGES file.
PARAMETRIC_DATA, use the parameter space of the surface being trimmed.
THREED_DATA, use real space—the coordinate system of the part along with an indication that the trim curve lies on the parametric surface.
The default value is DEFAULT.
A SymbolicConstant specifying whether the imported geometry needs to be scaled using the units information available in the IGES file. Possible values are ON and OFF. The default value is OFF. When the argument is set to ON, the geometry is scaled to millimeters with respect to the unit system specified in the IGES file.
A Boolean specifying if the IGES file contains MSBO (Manifold Solid B-Rep Object) entities. The default value is False.
A sequence of Ints specifying the levels or layers of entities that will be translated from the IGES file to build the part. The default is to include all the layers.
A SymbolicConstant specifying the topology of the data to be read from the file and of the part to be created. Possible values are SOLID , SHELL, and WIRE. If topology=SOLID, Abaqus/CAE attempts to attach cells to create a solid. If topology=SHELL, Abaqus/CAE builds the body as a shell entity and not as a solid entity. The default value is SOLID.
A SymbolicConstant specifying whether the imported wires need to be united or not. Possible values are ON and OFF. The default value is ON. When importing a sketch, this value is set to OFF.