If I remember well, in classic photographic film AgBr is reduced into Ag0 wil the Br0 is captured by the gelatin emulsion. The gelatine catalyzes the reduction of Ag+ into Ag0.
PVP selectivily bind to Ag(100) plane which promotes the growth of silver nanocubes. On the other hand, citrate ions bind to Ag(111) plane which allows the growth of silver triangular and discal nanoplate. I suggest you the next paper about silver nanoplates
Article Photoinduced shape transformation from nanospheres to silver...
strong reducing agent NaBH4 is commonly used. Silver nitrate is reduced
by sodium borohydride in the presence of stabilizer (SDS), resulting
in silver nanoparticles, according to the following Eq:
Ag++BH4−+3H2O→Ago+B(OH)3+3.5 H2
Also, in the formation of silver nanoparticles by the chemical reduction
method, the order of reactant addition, dropping silver nitrate solution
into NaBH4 solution with stabilizer, is important to obtain stable
silver nanoparticles. The reverse order of reactant addition causes
the immediate precipitation of silver nanoparticles. Moreover, when using Stirrer, by increasing the stirring speed it you may be able to have smaller nanoparticles.... hope this works.