I'm trying to learn more about the ecology of Synchus vivalis butI am struggling to find anything really. Some links to papers or even book passages would be really useful
in this studies, even if there are not specifically on this insect, you will find some information on its ecology and biology.
- Ground-dwelling spider (Araneae) and carabid beetle (Coleoptera: Carabidae) community assemblages in mixed and monoculture stands of oak (Quercus robur L./Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl.) and Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). N. Barsouma, , L. Fullerb, F. Ashwooda, K. Reeda, A.-S. Bonnet-Lebrunc, F. Leungd. Forest Ecology and Management Vol 321, 1 June 2014, p 29-41 doi:10.1016/j.foreco.2013.08.063
- Urbanization effects on carabid diversity in boreal forests. S. J. VENN, D. J. KOTZE, J. NIEMELÄ, Eur. J. Entomol 100: 73-80, 2003.
Well, there are too many carabid species and if Ashley is not familiar with Synuchus at all (which ecological group does ir belong to), it may be not easy to use general carabidological literature.
On the other hand, there are plenty of papers on ecology of Carabidae, that's true!
Thanks for the responses I'm sure I will be able to piece some information together from all of the links.
Synchus vivalis is an indicator species of a treatment in a paper I am just writing up so I want to know as much as I can about it so that I can do the results justice.
Lindroth C.: The Carabidae (Coleoptera) of Fennoscandia and Denmark. Fauna Entomologica scandinavica 15, part 2 (1986), pages 269-270 presents this species with quite detailed account of its biology (it is at least there with the name Synuchus vivalis, also a misspelling nivalis occurs in literature).
This is the text presented in the German FHL standard determination key (Müller-Motzfeld et al. 2006):
"Paläarktische Art, die Nominatform von Europa
bis Sibirien. Überwiegend in offenen Lebensräumen, die weder nass
noch trocken sind (Felder, Wiesen, Weiden, Gärten). Vom Tiefland bis in
montane Lagen. Fortpflanzung im Sommer und Herbst (Larven überwintern)"
"Palaearctic species, from Europe to Siberia. Mostly in open habitats that are neither wet nor dry (fields, meadows, pastures, gardens). From low altitudes to montane environments. Reproduction during summer and autumn (larvae hibernate)."
I think that a better people who can help you is dr. Stefano De Felici, that studied the ecology of Carabids, especially in centre Italy, where S. vivalis occurs in more type of environments. He will give you also some references of papers on this species.
you may find some scattered information about the species’ traits in the following works. Look for both nivalis and vivalis.
Luff, M. L. (1975). Some features influencing the efficiency of pitfall traps. Oecologia, 19(4), 345-357.
Eversham, B. C., Roy, D. B., & Telfer, M. G. (1996, January). Urban, industrial and other manmade sites as analogues of natural habitats for Carabidae. In Annales Zoologici Fennici (pp. 149-156). Finnish Zoological and Botanical Publishing Board.
Ribera, I., McCracken, D. I., Foster, G. N., Downie, I. S., & Abernethy, V. J. (1999). Morphological diversity of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in Scottish agricultural land. Journal of Zoology, 247(1), 1-18.
Ribera, I., Dolédec, S., Downie, I. S., & Foster, G. N. (2001). Effect of land disturbance and stress on species traits of ground beetle assemblages. Ecology, 82(4), 1112-1129.
Cole, L. J., McCracken, D. I., Dennis, P., Downie, I. S., Griffin, A. L., Foster, G. N., ... & Waterhouse, T. (2002). Relationships between agricultural management and ecological groups of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae) on Scottish farmland. Agriculture, ecosystems & environment, 93(1), 323-336.
Serrano, J. (2003). Catálogo de los Carabidae (Coleoptera) de la Península Ibérica. Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa.
Brandmayr, P. (2005). I coleotteri carabidi per la valutazione ambientale e la conservazione della biodiversità: manuale operativo. Apat.
Sadler, J. P., Small, E. C., Fiszpan, H., Telfer, M. G., & Niemelä, J. (2006). Investigating environmental variation and landscape characteristics of an urban–rural gradient using woodland carabid assemblages. Journal of Biogeography, 33(6), 1126-1138.
Albertini, A., Pizzolotto, R., & Petacchi, R. Carabid patterns in olive orchards and woody semi-natural habitats: first implications for conservation biological control against Bactrocera oleae. BioControl, 1-13 DOI 10.1007/s10526-016-9780-x.