26 October 2018 3 849 Report

Say there is an elastomer strip of length L, width W and uniform thickness -T. All other parameters like material density, temperature are constant.

I mark this strip with N points starting from 1, 2... N across the length of the strip. The distance between these points is few microns. Now I stretch this elastomer to L + dL length wise. (d=delta)

Quest 1: When I stretch this elastomer from L to L+ dL will it stretch uniformly, I.e will all the N points stretch by dL/N?

Since elastomer do not obey hooks law I think this elongation will not be uniform and increase in distance between N points will not be dL/N but dL1/N, dL2/N...

Quest 2: Will it stretch the same way every time it's stretched? I.e will the points move the same way, every time the elastomer is stretched? I.e will dL1/N, dL2/N.... Be same every time it's stretched repeatedly or dL1/N, dL2/N....Will have different values every time it's stretched.


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