Case study research is transferable, not generalizable. Transferability of case study research is actually a critiria for good qualitative case study research. In case study research, the value is in the details and in how it can inform on processes. In your cases, you speak of issues, therefore, the case studies with their detailed and in depth descriptions of the processes put in place could be transferable to other organizations.
The theoretical insights you gain from one case study can help you to understand other cases.
Irny, an important idea behind casuistry is that every case is different; also your 31 cases are different. Nonetheless, your two case studies can help to illuminate many processes in all these different organizations.
I agree with you both Chantal and Martjn. IRNY, you can use the results in order to understand others organizations with the same characteristics, but it is not a good idea apply the tools in the same way, without an individual research
Thank you very much for all the valuable feedback. I think the problem-solving method and good ideas gain from the case study can be suggested to be apply in the organization that have same structure and have same problem scenario.
Case study research method is important for theory building although it is applicable to theory testing (Yin, 2003). Research problems where you cannot set boundaries between the context and phenomenon under consideration, case study research is more useful than any other methods.
Your question regarding two case studies representing 31 organization is possible if it is supplemented with good literature review. Case studies are screened according to the theoretical sampling (Yin, 2003). Literature review help you to predict the behavior (prepositions) in the real world situation. Then you examine whether it is correct or not. If theory is not valid you can develop a theory why it is not is not behaving as predicted. Read more Yin (20030 Vaus (2001).