Sometimes business houses influence the output of genuine research in their favour as they provide funding. This happens quiet often in industrial pollution related researches.
I do not have experience in this field, but I think that a positive impact by providing supplies and funding for research. On the other hand, negative effect because it controls researcher according to the desire of those houses.
I don't have such an experience, my research area is not the one which attracts much attention of the business houses. But, the probability is very high for such influences on research by business interests. Big business tycoons even manipulate or create research results that benefit for their business ventures. There are several instances for such influences. Otherwise, they will try to influence the researchers by bribing or threatening them. These tycoons will never want to lose their business.
Business companies influence research in several ways, but honest researchers should report the results that they obtain.
In the medical field, "Big Pharma is the nickname given to the world's vast and influential pharmaceutical industry and its trade and lobbying group, the Pharmaceutical Research and Manufacturers of America or PhRMA. These powerful companies make billions of dollars a year by selling drugs and medical devices."
I know some cases of consultancy funding by companies to assess the environmental impact, where the companies tried to get the results modified in their favour.
As an industrial researcher, yes, my work is influenced completely towards Business expectations, quick turn around, cost effective, better returns, long term impacts etc.,
Net revenues are driven by unit sales since the ability to raise unit prices, where research encourages firms to market their products aggressively during the exclusivity period, driving resistance through market exploitation.
I do not have experience in this field, but I think that a positive impact by providing supplies and funding for research. On the other hand, negative effect because it controls researcher according to the desire of those houses.
Daniel H. Simon, Marvin B. Lieberman (2010), Internal and External Influences on Adoption Decisions in Multi-Unit Firms: The Moderating Effect of Experience.
A firm may be able to learn by observing how the technology or practice is implemented by rival adopters. Such knowledge “spillovers” may allow later adopters to adopt the new technology at a lower cost than previous adopters Rival adopters increase a focal firm’s incentive to adopt by reducing the cost of adoption.