I have too many stomata pictures and I need to find a way to optimize their counting. I would appreciate it very much if you can provide me with such information.
I know the question wasn't addressed to me, but there isn't an English version of the paper. It was published only in Portuguese. Although, if you go to the paper's source website, you will be able to get an automatic translation (it is not the best written English, but it holds an acceptable fidelity to the original text). Here is the direct link that will lead you right to the automatically translated paper: http://www.translatetheweb.com/?ref=AddIn&lp=pt_en&a=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.scielo.br%2Fscielo.php%3Fscript%3Dsci_arttext%26pid%3DS0100-83582007000400001%26lng%3Den%26nrm%3Diso%26tlng%3Dpt&skpa=on
I actually tried to get the software, but it isn't currently available for download. But it is good that you presented me with its name because I think I might be able to get it from a colleague.
Please see the link below for one of my Posters. In the study published in this poster, I counted the stomata per unit area (0.5 cm2) on the surface area and calculated the stomatal density per the same area (0.5 cm2). Then with the equation in the poster, I was able to calculate the number of cells per leaf.
I hope it helps you to reach your aim.
Conference Paper Effect of salinity on leaf expansion of tomato