I would like to start a new plant phylogenomics project, but I am currently struggling with choosing the best-suited approach. My idea is to combine the latest genomic approaches (e.g., Oxford Nanopore Technology (ONT) Sequencing) with DNA extraction of herbarium specimens due to Covid-19 restrictions and thus restricted traveling possibilities.

- Do you have any experiences with DNA extractions from herbarium specimens and ONT genome sequencing?

- Assuming the availability of a reference genome, would you recommend using low-quality long ONT reads instead of high-quality short Illumina reads (also in terms of costs) from DNA herbarium specimens for reference-guided read assembly? Depending on the specimen age, DNA is already strongly fragmented and ONT won’t capture long fragments (> 1 kbp) anyway, or?…

- Are there software tools you would recommend for reference-guided ONT read assembly and generation of diverse output files for further downstream analysis (e.g., tree and structure software)?

The plant species I will use has a diploid genome size of 0.8 Gbp. The majority of samples are polyploid hybrids.

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