08 April 2019 3 10K Report

Me and my colleague are writing our master thesis and have a few struggles in our econometric procedure. We want to use a dynamic linear model to explain a macroeconomic phenomenon, and are expecting to include lags. According to the AIC, 2 lags is suitable.

In order to check for autocorrelation in our regression model, we want to do a Breuch-Godfrey test. The test acquire to fill in lag order, and this is when we met insecurity. Should we:

1) Use a simple lm to this test and exclude the lags intended to use, or 2) should we include a model including the 2 lags we intend to use. Will the lagged model disturb and give wrong output (as the test requires you to specify lag order)?

Including the lagged model we get 95% significance up to 15 lags, which is a lot more than what the AIC expressed. With the same significance level, our basic linear model shows that 2 lags is suitable.

We have also done a Durbin-Watson test using the lagged model, which indicated no signs of autocorrelation.

We appreciate every answer we can get.

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