Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world. We all need to find simple ways to take care of heart-health. Do you think prayer and acknowledgement of our blessings are a positive factor for heart health?
It is so relaxing when we really believe that all our life depends on our Creator. We do things to please Him and avoid things that make Him upset. We thank Him for all the goods moments in life and learn to be patient when bad things happen. We will be happy in this short life and the eternal life in Paradise.
You will be surprised that simple things scuh as walking for 10 extra minutes, eating a cup of fruites and vegetables, a fist-full of nuts can improve your heart health significantly. But are prayers and being thankful for our blessings scientifically proven to have a positive impact on heart healt? The answer is a big yes.
It is so relaxing when we really believe that all our life depends on our Creator. We do things to please Him and avoid things that make Him upset. We thank Him for all the goods moments in life and learn to be patient when bad things happen. We will be happy in this short life and the eternal life in Paradise.
Dear Aparna Sathya Murthy , the Harvard study I have referred to says that counting our blessings and prayers do improve heart health. It makes sense beca stress and depression cause heart issues. When we relax, meditate, and pray, through positive thoughts we lower stress.
Prayers and counting of blessings work only in the case of believers. It is a known fact that prayers can give you a psychological feeling of mental relief, which can act something like a placebo effect! Placebo effect is real and its existence has been scientifically proved.
Dear C George Thomas , I will argue that people who do not believe in relics players, still have feelings about blessings and curses/hardships. So the study suggests that when one reflects on her blessings, she relaxes and thus there is release of stress.
Do prayer and counting our blessings improve our heart-health?
There are many ways to improve our heart-health. But in these 2 aspects - personally I think can. Reason being prayer can improve our relationship with God through communication & withdrawal of strength from Him in times of needs. Count our blessing also can do the same as it helps us to reflect & focus on what we have (from nothing) so that we feel more contended & appreciative rather than continue to pursue more & more things in life.
Indeed there is No best "Medication" but prayers. A strong relationship with Allah Almighty will provide us a relief from every anxiety and substances from where we expect Not....
Han Ping Fung , Zainab J. Khudhair , Muhammad Faheem Jan , Claire Su-Yeon Park , Aparna Sathya Murthy thank you all of you for valuable contribution to this discussion.
Regardless of religions and the extent of faith, I am more likely to ask the question of human energy, which proves that prayer gives positive energy to the soul and therefore has a great role in the treatment of all diseases
Yes ... Prayer and prayer are the means of feeling comfortable, it is a means to get close to God Almighty and a sense of reassurance that is the comfort of the heart and pain and health ...
"What is faith healing? In nearly every faith, since time immemorial, people have prayed for the sick. Many confess that prayer helped them, their friends or relatives to pull though a health condition they never expected to survive. Many people pray for their own health and that of others. According to the Wikipedia encyclopedia, it is the use of solely spiritual means in treating disease. Sometimes known as spiritual healing, it is a form of alternative medicine. In Uganda, it is common among some Christians (especially Pentecostals and Charismatics) whose scriptures preach that God heals people through the power of the Holy Spirit, often involving sacraments, prayer or the ‘laying on of hands’.
Measuring power of prayer Scientists have overtime attempted to measure the effectiveness of prayer on patients’ health. Several major studies on prayer have been done and are still continuing. The New York Times says US President Bush has so far released $2.3m for scientific research on the healing power of prayer. But many concur that prayer has quantitative positive effects on disease. One of the pioneers of spiritual healing and psychology, Carl Jung, wrote in Spiritual Healing that people who pray when they are ill and those who know that someone is praying for them, are likely to fare better than those who do not. Prayer treatment is not the same as no treatment"(https://www.newvision.co.ug/new_vision/news/1116598/prayer-cure-disease).
Concur with the other contributors about the power of prayer for healing. Of particular interest is the prayer of intercession when a believer will join forces proclaim and touch the person of concern asking for forgiveness and dedicate to the Highest Power. James the brother of Jesus gave a prayer of faith in James 5:16. Jesus taught but one prayer called the Our Father prayer which centers on forgiveness for us and those who grieve us. It is taught that corporate prayer has the most effect and is more efficacious with a compassionate heart. Prayer is to be directed at God's Kingdom and its coming and not on anything of strictly selfish nature. The prayer of a righteous man avails much. It is more powerful to pray for someone one else. The selfishness in Christian tradition is considered the gateway to pride the sin of the devil satan. In the Old Testament book of Job the sickness is played out as spiritual warfare of the devil against humanity. The prayer of faith is accompanied by the anointing with Holy Oil in the name of the Trinity and the laying on of hands. Healing and forgiveness are linked together when we ask for forgiveness the heaviness of our conscience and hurts can dissolve these burdens would seem to be related to infirmities that we can experience.
Prayer can improve a person's mental health, such as reducing anxiety and stress. In turn, this can translate into “better physiological functioning,” such as lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol, lower blood pressure, and improved immune functioning.
Prayer means spiritual and psychological stability and mental purity, which is important for the health of the mind and body and reduces tension and this is important for human health in general
Prayer is the comfort of the heart and the spiritual nourishment of man and the connection between the servant and his Lord, that spiritual food is a healthy food, if you find comfort in prayer, then your heart is still sounding good because the right heart is suspended by the door of God. Prayer is also a way to walk Your heart and your conscience and invigorate the vitality of the heart.
Definitely, our prayers improves every thing. it is as described beautifully by Dr Isam Issa Omran. It is the spiritual act that clear the soul and resides within it
People who does not has Nerves of Steel 50 % - prayers and counting Blessings Might improve their Heart Health. Remaining 50 % whose Nerves are Strong Enough to Deal with Day to day Stress might do not accept this explanation. Regards
When you say your prayers, you will have self psychological and religious satisfaction that you have done a required duty. This gives you additional comfort and relaxation.
In understanding the power of prayer it is good to look at Don Colbert MD Deadly emotions. Our minds body and spirits are all connected. Anger and hostility area associated with heart issues and hypertension. When we are in a hot situation we can ask for patience and calm. In the only prayer Jesus taught the central focus is to be in forgiveness. Resentment bitterness and unforgiveness can cause issue with our immune systems. Repressed anger can lead to tension and migraines. Stress is at the root and depression and can lead over time to disease and illness. Sometimes we cannot things from happening but it is our choice how we might engage these issues. When we stand on Higher Power the ability to let our grievance go and accepting our situation in love is critical. Praise prayer and worship are worthy ways to process the daily trials and tribulations not letting inevitable stress to be distress. Preventive prayer is proactive activation of Higher Power so that we do not need to bottom out before we seek the solution. Prayer is particularly helpful for pain and do not forget laughter is the best medicine.
Prayers indeed relax me and thinking of how blessings am gives me comfort. That is definitely aligned with what research suggests about prayers and their protection of heart.
Regardless of our religious affiliations, most of the colleagues agreed that prayers have some spiritual healing effect against stress and trauma, improving our heart-health. It will be nice to see a study actually quantifying the relationships.
We always talk about counting our blessings—let’s do it! Write a list of 100 things you are thankful for. Some might think that is too many. If that is the case, try this:
Write 10 living people you are grateful for.
Write 10 people who have died you are grateful for.
Write 10 physical abilities you are grateful for.
Write 10 material possessions you are grateful for.
Write 10 things about nature you are grateful for.
Write 10 things about today you are grateful for.
Write 10 places on earth you are grateful for.
Write 10 modern-day inventions you are grateful for.
Write 10 foods you are grateful for.
Write 10 things about the gospel you are grateful for.
When we make a list like this, we discover that a list of 100 doesn’t even begin to scratch the surface of all the things God has given us.