Should people who do not wear protective face masks be allowed to shop in grocery stores? Should they be allowed to use public forms of transportation, including bus, train, commercial airliner?
This issue needs to be defined or detailed to control the balance between the freedoms of the individual to do whatever he wants and the duty of public authorities to protect individuals during exceptional circumstances such as the spread of the Coronavirus pandemic 19. On the one hand, legislation must be issued from Parliament as a representative of individuals to regulate this issue and decide in particular that prevention from That virus necessarily requires wearing masks in public places and determines the obligations of individuals and the limits of the powers of public authorities in this. On the other hand, forcing all individuals to wear protective masks to protect society from the aforementioned epidemic requires that authorities provide masks, or at least in sufficient quantities and at reasonable prices.
If the authorities provide this, then it is their duty to prevent individuals from going out to public places without masks.
هذه المسألة تحتاج إلى تحديد أو تفصيل ما، وهذا لضبط التوازن بين حرية الفرد في فعل ما يشاء وواجب السلطات العامة في حماية الأفراد أثناء الظروف الاستثنائية كانتشار وباء فيروس كورونا 19. فمن جهة يجب استصدار تشريع من البرلمان باعتباره ممثلا للأفراد ينظم تلك المسألة ويقرر على الخصوص أن الوقاية من ذلك الفيروس يستلزم بالضرورة لبس الأقنعة في الأماكن العمومية ويحدد التزامات الأفراد وحدود صلاحيات السلطات العامة في ذلك. ومن جهة أخرى فإن إلزام كل الأفراد على لبس الأقنعة الواقية لحماية المجتمع من الوباء المذكور يستلزم من تلك السلطات توفير الأقنعة، أو على الأقل بكميات كافية وبأثمان معقولة. فإذا وفرت السلطات ذلك فمن واجبها منع الأفراد من الخروج إلى الأماكن العمومية دون أقنعة.
En realidad el derecho de uno termina cuando el derecho de otra persona comienza. Se debe usar mascarilla y tener un distanciamiento social para proteger a la otra persona que tiene riesgo de enfermar y morir. En pandemia debemos respetarnos, ambos, nuestras libertades estarán presentes al concluir la pandemia con la vacunación. La solidaridad es un derecho universal. Cuidemos la vida de los demás y la nuestra.
The Italian Constitution considers health an individual right and a collective interest (article 32). So, if wearing a mask is necessary to protect public health, the law may provide for this obligation in some circumstances such as public transport, schools, shops, etc., and also in open spaces when social distance cannot be guaranteed.
I thank you very much for your answer to my discussion question 2 days ago, on December 27, 2020, as follows (see my English translation below):
" En realidad el derecho de uno termina cuando el derecho de otra persona comienza. Se debe usar mascarilla y tener un distanciamiento social para proteger a la otra persona que tiene riesgo de enfermar y morir. En pandemia debemos respetarnos, ambos, nuestras libertades estarán presentes al concluir la pandemia con la vacunación. La solidaridad es un derecho universal. Cuidemos la vida de los demás y la nuestra." … Recommended
My translation in English, as follows: "In reality, the right of an individual ends where the right of another individual begins. We ought to wear face masks and we should maintain social distancing in order to protect the other persons around us because if we do not, they run the risk of sickening and dying. During this pandemic, we should all be respectful of both our own concerns and those of others, that is, we ought to respect and uphold our freedoms so that we will all be alive and well at the conclusion of the pandemic with the help of the vaccine. Solidarity in receiving the vaccinations is a universal right. We all should be careful to promote the well-being and lives of other people and of ourselves."
Thank you for your answer to this RG discussion "Do people have a right not to wear face masks, not to spatially distance----Is it unlawful?". I do wish that more people would agree with your reply, which is: "We have no choice, for now!" There are still many thousands who are exercising their freedom not to use face coverings to protect themselves and other people, and not to maintain at least six feet between themselves and other individuals.
Buenas tardes, en algunos paises existe la norma de usar la mascarilla, esta penado con multas. Se aconseja el distanciamiento social. Pienso que es un deber moral de las personas de protegerse a si mismas y proteger a los demas.
En Perú, además de la mascara se debe usar una careta para el traslado en los buses, es una norma, porque hay incremento de casos de covid-19
Sonia Olinda Velasquez Rondon . added a reply in Spanish to this RG discussion thread 16 hours ago on January 24, 2021, as follows:
"Buenas tardes, en algunos paises existe la norma de usar la mascarilla, esta penado con multas. Se aconseja el distanciamiento social. Pienso que es un deber moral de las personas de protegerse a si mismas y proteger a los demas. En Perú, además de la mascara se debe usar una careta para el traslado en los buses, es una norma, porque hay incremento de casos de covid-19."
My translation from Spanish to English, as follows:
"Good afternoon. In some countries the norm is to wear a protective mask, and persons who are not wearing masks are penalized by having to pay a find. Observing social distancing is strongly recommended. I think that it is a moral obligation for all individuals to protect themselves as well as to protect other people. In Peru, in addition to the mask we are supposed to use a mask to transit in buses, it is a normal practice, because there is an increase in the number of novel Covid-19 cases."