10 January 2021 5 922 Report

Dear researchers, I am a master student, and now writing my graduation thesis. I am studying how the six dimensions of post-purchase customer experience influence customer satisfaction, in turn, repurchase intention. I have adapted the measurement scales of the six dimensions of post-purchase customer experience to make it more applicable for my study context. My question is: do I have to conduct exploratory factor analysis in SPSS? I have done that, but there are so many cross-loadings, I tried different methods, but the results still look not good. There are two dimensions of post-purchase customer experience(customer support and product quality) are loading to the same new factor, I feel it is not acceptable, because they are very different. I understand there may be some problems related to my questionnaire, but I have no chance to improve the questionnaire now.

I tried to use SmartPLS to do my analysis, and the factor analysis in this software looks great,but I think the factor analysis here is CFA instead of EFA. So can I skip EFA to do CFA directly?

I will need to finish my thesis in 1 month, and I really need your help. Thank you!

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