Hi! You are doing some interesting research and as an answer to your queation might consider reading my latest article.
Methods to enhance students’ entrepreneurial mindset: A Swedish example'. In European Journal of traning and development (accepted articles. Keep in contact.//ERik
Entrepreneurship is an activity that focuses on the creation of a new business project and provides added economic efficiency. It also means managing resources efficiently and qualitatively to introduce something new or create new economic and administrative activity.
This means it depends on the entrepreneurial skills which are two types
Inherited and acquired.
This indicates the importance of training on Entrepreneurship
Your question is deeply pointed to the influence methods.
Actually it depends on the the following psychological roles:
These factors show how to create stable, positive roles toward becoming an entrepreneur while you have pointed only on the "attitude" which is not enough and complete.
Kindly note that a proper study for any influence on candidates is to consider all aspects of the study which are mentioned in the above.
May I also recommend you to have a look at the attached article to consider an assessment model for evaluating the study in the strategic field.
Trusting this meet with your approval and should you have any further information I will be very glad to have a continues discussion in this respect.
Looking forward to hearing from you.
Article Explanation of the“Strategic Assessment Model” and verificat...
Let me help you answer your question. How many entrepreneurs have you heard of that learned how to be entrepreneurs by taking an entrepreneurship class?
Thanks Peter - I think 'none' is the answer. But with respect, in fairness, that is more of a learning/cognitive outcome, not attitudinal. It is feasible that attitudes can be influenced by a course though no learning occurs (that was certainly true for me and calculus :))
the question is very important to ask. it's related to measure the impacts of entrepreneurship programs on student' attitudes and intentions. studying the issue through time means to differentiate the immediate, short and long term.
Measuring the attitudes of students after taking entrepreneurial course is an issue. Their attitudes and intentions did not change during a period of three months for example. if you are interested, you can take a look to this:
Conference Paper Is there an immediate impact of an entrepreneurship course o...
Jeffry, why are you modelling entrepreneurship as an attitude?
1. Entrepreneurship is business actions? And probably business actions that displaced non entrepreneurial actions. That is, a student who dabbles in entrepreneurship is not doing entrepreneurship. A student who only goes to class when they are not trading. . .
2. Actions are promoted by knowing what to do and committing to do it (see Frese, Gollwitzer, Oettingen).
3. Actions are protected by having flexible plans.... etc etc
Hi Jo, thank you for your note. To be clear, we are interested in examining the formation of attitudes toward entrepreneurship as influenced by education, not entrepreneurship itself as an attitude. Although I agree with you that actions are goal-oriented, there is a robust body of literature based upon Ajzen's work in the area of theory of planned behavior. That is the theory that guides our analyses. I hope this clarifies thing a little. Best.
I agree with Jo Jordan. Scholars can explore others theories that explain why individuals (students, graduates) go starting up their businesses while others not. there is a knowledge gap in the intention - behavior link.
Entrepreneurship Readership can find main references on that in my forthcoming chapter:
Chapter From Entrepreneurial Intentions to Behaviors: Wandering In- ...