Is it possible to use the di-8-anepps potentiometric dye to measure inherent membrane potential of cardiomyocytes? Is an applied external electric field necessary? What is the best way to quantify intensity changes?
Hello, I have performed ratiometric measurements using di-8-annepps to mirror resting membrane potential changes by symmetrical emission spectra shift, it works at least for sperm cells. I would always characterize the behaviour of a voltage sensitive dye for every membrane environment you are trying to work with. there are no general spectra, it always depends on the environment. according to cardiomyocyte, there is a guy (Vladimir G. Fast, Fast VG-pubmed) who published several papers on simulteneous imaging of calcium and membrane potential changes by utilizing dyes like fura or annepps. addiotionally, here is a paper that may help you. they use here di-4-annepps. regards, dmitry