As biosensor, can I use hydrolytic enzymes to detect toxins produced by cyanobacteria? I am working on lipase and wants to extend my research to detection of toxins produced by these bacteria.
Yes, definitely you can do it provided the toxin causes a change in the confirmation of lipase and inhibition of it's hydrolytic activity. Perform lipase assay using a colorimetric substrate such as p-nitropalmitate in absence and presence of toxin. If toxin binds enzyme, the activity of lipase may be lost and there will be little hydrolysis of p-nitrophenyl palmitate. The reaction can be measured spectrophotometrically.
Hi Adebayo, the term "biosensor" is usually used for devices with immobilized capture molecules, that when bound, register a signal that is detected and displayed digitally.
If you are using soluble enzyme to detect toxins using a spec., then it is an assay, not a biosensor.
Thank you Dr Steingrimur. I plan using an immobilized lipase on gold nanoparticle. I understand biosensing could be label-free or label-based. please, which method could fit in better for my proposed work? Thank you.