The pattern of definition is vast,In philosophy the life is different ,as well the definition bio resembles the same,But it has sound affinities in the field of Science.
Unfortunatley ,the question was No need of expertise comment of your desire.. !!
Very difficult to define life it is as difficult as to work out how life came into being. And the varied disciplines like the psychology, physiology, anatomy, biology, sociology, philosophy even the mathematics is involved to solve the mystery of life. Regarding the body quite note worthy is available. But how the brain shuttles to weave the ideas, thoughts, cognition and other abstracts developed is the present day hot topic where the world over scientists. philosophers and psychologists are burning the lamps to solve these mystries.
As Per the Books and theory it is very easy to define,but in the resolution of Scientifics its very difficult question, I agree with Umeshdutta's comment,the life is mystery,the research evolutions trying to define questions like- Why?,How?..For instance the production of neurons in laboratory is very recent advance,But the group of Neurons will not functional as artificial memory.
My book published by gives the idea from abnitio. That is in the beginning it was nothing bu space-time continum. through that the sub-atomic particles evolved, those combined to form atoms the atoms formed bonds and the cell came into being. The theory is propounded mathematically. I have no copy of the book with me as per the codition of the publisher. One may contact the publisher.