04 September 2020 1 1K Report

Hi everyone,

I am trying to implement the paper "Giant Spin-selective Asymmetric Transmission in Multipolar-modulated Metasurfaces" (Optics Letters 2019), where there is a nanoparticle placed on a substrate. I have implemented it using the comsol template scatterer-on-substrate.

  • I am having trouble defining the input RCP/LCP source. In the scatterer-on-substrate example, E0x=-sin(phi) and E0y=cos(phi). In my case, phi=0 and for RCP, I have multiplied E0y*(1i) at Port 1. Is this the right approach?
  • At port 2, I need to see both the co- and cross-polarized components of transmission. What would be the best way to specify E-fields at the port 2 to get both components?
  • The structure is periodic in x and y and PML in z where source is given in z direction. I have placed periodic conditions in x and y and ports in z and PML in the outer boundary as in the scatterer on substrate example.To calculate the scattering cross-section, do I have to place scattering boundary conditions instead of PML?
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