I put 1 gram of Li foil on ceramic pot and put they in hot plate in glove box, the temperature was maintained at 350-C for more than 2 hours but it is not work. Is there any pre-treatment for this trouble? Thank you.
As soon as Lithium cut it gets oxidized. Probably you have a foil of lithium oxide and not Lithium. If its Li2O, 350 C will not work. The MP of Li2O is 1450C. In that case, I will ask you to try arc melting. here is some information https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lithium_oxide
As Artur Braun. Also, compress, please, the Li foil (on Al-foil, both) directly on the hot plate, in order to decrease[1], sharply, the (previously, very high) thermal impedance(s)[2]. If there is any adjoining metallic-Li (left for melting), it will melt promptly, within[3] 2 to 5 sec. Otherwise, there is not any accompanying metallic-Li (left for melting).
1. Heat Transfer Knowledge and Engineering https://www.engineersedge.com/heat_transfer/heat_transfer_table_content.htm
2. INTRODUCTION TO ENGINEERING HEAT TRANSFER... https://ocw.mit.edu/courses/aeronautics-and-astronautics/16-050-thermal-energy-fall-2002/lecture-notes/10_part3.pdf
3. Do not allow any long time warming inside the Glove Box . Careful with the experiment! Do not exceed ~250oC (on the hot plate) and 10min heating, with this experiment! Do not repeat the old experiment: the hot plate, forever and 2 hours, at 350oC.
As for me, I would not be allowed to do this in my glovebox... There was your supervisor?
Anyway procedure need ceramic crucible, flux (!!! This is most problematic component) and soldering iron with copper tip. In any case, an experienced colleague should be present, in case something goes wrong (he can call an ambulance and firefighters, for example).
Lithium metal must be melted under argon atmosphere and in a metal not ceramic container. Ceramics usually react with with lithium metal especially molten lithium. you can only use glass if you are making a dispersion in oil although metal is safer- I have done it all many times on all scales