I am currently preparing a manuscript for Nanotehnology Reviews. Dear sirs, please tell me where I can download De Gruyter reference style for Mendeley?
Andrey А. Buglak Here are some general starting points: https://hi-do.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Styleguide_DeGruyter_2020.pdf
Here is a citation style language (CSL) link for the DeGruyter journal Molecular Concepts: https://www.zotero.org/styles?q=id:biomolecular-concepts
Here is a FAQ on adding the CSL to Mendeley: https://csl.mendeley.com/html/fileDialog.html
Here is a Zotero discussion on theDeGruyter Style with several workarounds: https://forums.zotero.org/discussion/101921/request-for-a-new-style-in-zotero-for-de-gruyter-biomolecular-concepts