01 January 1970 38 7K Report

Dear All

I am too aggrieved at the computed values for four latent constructs in my SEM Model

Construct 1-22 items

Construct 2-31 items

Construct 3-25 items

Construct 4-10 items

I had to include these many items (88) as advised by my PI. The overall Cronbach's alpha value and the CA values for each of these constructs is high (greater than 0.85) as for the data collected during my Pilot Study (about 50 respondents).

Since, I would like to reduce the data to the smaller number of items, I am not able to understand how to reduce these many items with the help of statistics generated during computation of Cronbach's Alpha (deleted items statistics, correlation matrix and CA values).

I am not able to fetch help from anywhere. I am deeply saddened and overwhelmed!

I shall reciprocate your timely help in this regard!

Thanking You in advance!

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