We do not have money for publisihg. So, we are looking for some free journals or not very expensive ones in microbiological and biotechnological areas.
Journal of Medical Microbiology is free (no page charges). Its a long established reputable peer-reviewed journal of the Society for General Microbiology (SGM).
I think it all depends on how good your work is. Actually, there are a lot of journals free for publication. Check their website and make your decision.
Molecular Genetics, Microbiology and Virology addresses theoretical and applied topics in molecular genetics of pro- and eukaryotes, molecular microbiology and molecular virology. The journal focuses on studies of the genetic apparatus of microorganisms, the search for genetic forms of metabolism, genetic mapping of pathogenic causative agents, investigations of the structure and functions of extrachromosomal factors of heredity and migratory genetic elements, and theoretical studies on the mechanisms of genetic regulation. Topics include the molecular and genetic elements of eukaryotic cells, the function of chromosomes and chromatin, the nature of genetic changes in malignant degeneration, hereditary diseases. Also covered are the molecular bases of virology, including viral and cellular genomes integration and viral persistence. The journal's scope of coverage includes the biotechnological production of hormones, components of antiviral vaccines, and diagnostic and therapeutic preparations.
I guess the easiest way to find the appropriate journal would be to paste the abstract of your manuscript in the journal selectors below...then, you can go to the homepage of the ones suggested and find out if they charge you for publishing or not. The web addresses of the journal selectors are: