I'm not involved in your field but maybe this answer may help you.
When I search for a suitable journal to publish work (from my meager experience), I set up my mind by articles I read for the research. If you find interesting articles in recurrent journals, you should start your investigation by those.
Secundly, try https://www.scimagojr.com/. With filters, you may find what you want and get extra information such as journal rank.
even though this information may not be good enough: usually, a researcher perform a search/lit review on a topic, such as any of yours, finds articles and thus the journals where the articles are found. any journal's individual issue may not always contain articles specific to your search. in all my years as a student, teacher, and researcher, i have never started out by looking for journals.
I would highly recommend "Sex Roles: A Journal of Research" by Springer. They publish articles with intersectionality across sexuality/gender/spirituality, etc.