I am a final-year student at the university and recently had the opportunity to read paper titled "A State-Space EMG Model for the Estimation of Continuous Joint Movements."
I have some questions regarding your paper that I hope you can help clarify for me.
Firstly, in Equation 8 of your paper, I am unsure about the specific variable θ and its derivation. Could you please provide some clarification on how θ is determined within the context of your research?
Secondly I observed that many papers do not specify how to determine the musculotendonous length, Lmt in Equation 8 as also Equation 7. Which equation to find this value? Could you please explain this?
Finally, I noticed that you conducted experiments involving external torque. However, I am considering not utilizing external torque in my own research. Could you confirm whether your open-loop control approach is applicable in scenarios where external torque is not employed?