I have a question, as to whether collocations in corpus linguistics can be used to indicate diversity. I have a corpora of media news articles, and I manage to find out the frequency of my target word and the collocates. I then used a regression analyses to find out if demographic variables predicted the frequency of the target word, and another regression model with collocates as the outcome. I simply took the number of collocates for each article as the dependent variable, with the understanding that more number of collocates meant more diversity in the media representation. Consequently, I conclude that demographic variables predicts this diversity, i.e., a country's cultural value singificantly predicts higher diversity in the media, indicated by the number of collocates. The research aim is to explore whether national values predict diversity in the way a particular issue is presented in the media. Please please tell me if this reasoning is sound as I have very little background knowledge on this.