05 February 2016 1 330 Report

Normally, I have 0.5 x TBE buffer running at 14C, and the cooling module keeps the buffer at this temperature. Ours seems to be broken, since it is not making the clicking noise it usually does, and the temperature keeps rising (went from 18C to 26C in 1 hr with cooling module & pump on, program not running). I can hear a motor running in the module, and it is warm when touched. Anyways, a new one is about $4000 and may not come for a while. Could I just run the CHEF gel in a 4C cold room? 

I don't know too much about the effect of temperature on the eletrophoresis, just that we have the chiller so that the buffer doesn't overheat and melt the gel. I want to run a 24hr program, so that seems like a real possibility without some kind of cooling. Would it make a difference in my results if I ran it at 4C (stick the entire apparatus in cold room) instead of 14C?

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