06 April 2021 2 6K Report


I'm trying to convert M to ng/ml, as one study used nM to calculate growth hormone levels and another used ng/ml. I looked up online the molecular weight of rat growth hormone and it says 21810 dalton, which is about 3.62*10^(-20) grams. This study: https://www.koreascience.or.kr/article/JAKO200311922263181.pdf shows GH level for control of 0.1064nM. I do 0.1064nM * 3.62*10^(-20) grams/mol * 10^9 ng/gram * 1L/10^3mL = 3.85*10^(-24) ng/mL. Now, when comparing to another study (which I have uploaded), that is no where close to the values they have for control in ng/mL. Could someone please tell me why that is?

Thank you,


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