I adapted a questionnaire from a previous research. I made some amendments in light of social and economical background of the place of study to suit the needs for my research.
I am looking for someone who has studied Sustainable Leadership (Hargreave and Fink's model) in the education sector and can help me with the content validity.
Actually, Content validity refers to the extent to which the items in a questionnaire are representative of the entire theoretical construct the questionnaire is designed to assess.
Podrías validar tu cuestionario, haciendo una prueba piloto y aplicar el alpha de Cronbach, sí el resultado es mayo a 0.7 quiere decir que tiene buena confiabilidad
¿Cómo aplicar el Alpha de Cronbach? en excel, hay tutoriales en la red
Validity is the determination of the degree to which a measurement instrument measures the variable it is actually intended to measure.
In the case of content validity, it may be sufficient for a team of experts to review the methodological content and wording of the items and give their judgment on congruence and clarity.