I want to know the mechanism of action of citicoloine in CVA. Which criteria and indication is suitable for initiating this drug in stroke? Dose type of stroke such as ischemic or hemorrhagic, affects in prescribing citicoline?
Nice question, got me reading a little about this.
Mechanism is based on breakdown of phosphatidylcholine into free fat acids which generate free radicals that potentiate ischaemic change, Citocoline essentially reduces cell membrane breakdown and increases synthesis of phosphatidylcholine and reduces free fatty acids. Animal models initially showed lower infarct volumes in ischaemic and hypoxic conditions.
However, clinical trials (largest RCT) was neutral:
Article Citicoline in the treatment of acute ischaemic stroke: An in...
As was a more recent meta-analysis:
Article Early application of citicoline in the treatment of acute st...
No overall survival benefit. No real data on application in haemorrhagic stroke.