With some kits, you make up 20ul of cDNA, and you can store this cDNA at -20oC. Then in the PCR step, you are asked to dilute 5ul of this cDNA by 80X and are recommended not to store it at this diluted amount. Does anyone know why?
I have been always told that the more diluted your DNA is the more likely might get degraded but I do not know the chemical or biological reason. It might be that in both cases DNA is degrading but if your concentration is really low due to the dilution, the DNA remaining might not be enough for the experiment :)
It would be great to know if there is a chemical or biological reason behind this and if there's a particular dilution factor that is acceptable to dilute and store cDNA at?
We store this diluted cDNA in -20 for later use. Always dilute in cDNA diluting solution and before experiment spin it down and mix well. Hope it would be helpful .