"HPLC Retention Time Drift, Change, Variability or Poor Reproducibility. Common Reasons for it"; https://hplctips.blogspot.com/2015/11/hplc-retention-time-drift-change.html
1. If you look at the pattern of the Rt drift, it will tell you the potential reason for it. If it changes from one run to another run, check the pumps and solvent mixing devices.
2. If Rts are consistent but vary day by day, then the instrument cannot be the culprit but the variation of the composition of the mobile phases. Also, keep N eye on how you degas the system and degassing time.
Controlling pH might also affect. Therefore, have a look on that too.
Rt drifts are mainly due to,
Equilibration problems
Temperature variations
Mobile phase composition
You can find more details about this referring to Analytical Chemistry book or visiting HPLC trouble shooting manuals by reputed instrument manufacturers like Agilent, Waters or Perkin Elmer.