The flipped classroom model is a form of blended learning that encompasses any use of using Internet technology to leverage the learning in your classroom, so that the teacher can spend more time interacting with students instead of lecturing. One model works like this:

1. Teacher prepares the class room lectures beforehand and makes them available to the students.

2. Students on their part will watch them at their own time and pace to better understand the concepts and come to the class well prepared.

3. In the regular class teacher interacts with all the students to do the classwork/homework as required for the class.

It is called the flipped class because the whole classroom/homework paradigm is "flipped". What used to be classwork (the "lecture") is done at home via teacher-created videos and what used to be homework (assigned problems) is now done in class.

This may not be a solution for all types of courses. However for courses that are applied in nature and heavily dependent on the application of mathematical and scientific principles would really help the students.

Please share your experiences with flipped class room, if you have used, or thinking of using or donot want to use because any apprehensions that you may have. Please share all your concerns whether it is good or bad. Thank you for sharing your experience and expertise.

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