15 Questions 23 Answers 0 Followers
Questions related from Bob van Limburg
I am looking for resources in the Netherlands regarding cultural tourism. So what cultural activities correlate, and what lifestyles can be distinguished. Any resource is welcome, articles, factor...
28 May 2024 428 2 View
Dear all, How to run an executabele file from a cloud? I have very technical question. I'd like to play a game wth my students, and I would like to give my students a link to a piece of software...
12 April 2021 594 2 View
Is it true that only a very large sample is suitable for a panel data fixed effects estimation, or do the ols criteria apply?
27 November 2020 9,402 4 View
Who can tell me what ´speces´ constitue city branding? So is it emotional, cognitive, connative etc and are there any good questionnaires to ´measure´city branding space?
23 September 2020 2,246 2 View
Dear colleges, Do you know a good and respected onlne publication platform? I‘d like to publish more and I think the time between forewarding and publication moment take far too long. are there...
25 December 2019 3,569 1 View
How to operationalize Meaningfull lectures? I want my students to have meaningfull lectures in my class. But what is mening? How to operationalize this concept? Any ideas, experience? Sincerely, Bob
03 April 2019 4,990 1 View
Dear all, The digital revolution is a great thing, but sometimes it may also be disturbing when students look at their devices during class. Doe anyone know any tehnique or app to shut off all...
11 March 2019 1,630 5 View
Dear all i am looking for playful approaches to show students what learning is. The target audience is last year high school and bachelor freshmen. Games using nonakas seci model, co creation, or...
28 December 2018 7,515 4 View
Dear all i have been observant a group of high school learners while i had to teach them French. I observed that some of them (especially potential blue collar workers but i am not dure about...
28 February 2018 8,944 4 View
I want to compare 2 different texts and answer the question: have these been written nu the same person? I have heard about the type token ratio. Has anyone experiences with this and/or can...
31 July 2017 9,127 1 View
Dear all, I am writing and thinking about the human brain and the way its is collecting knowledge. One strong and powerful strategy is posing questions. But what happens at a neurological or at...
01 February 2016 3,577 3 View
Dear alll, Does anyone have relevant experience in applying backward design as a research strategy in profesional masters programmes (Students learning for a teaching certificate in a 3 years...
06 November 2015 4,894 7 View
I am looking for methods that can be used in historic antropological studies, like meideval text and so forth. I heard a lot about the so called 'verstehen' methods, but thats way too vague. I am...
20 July 2015 6,230 8 View
Hi everyone, I am puzzled in what test to use when tetsing if two sample outcomes differ statistically significant. Should I use the t test, ancova or anova?In what cases should I consider anova...
15 January 2015 6,275 8 View
Can anyone recommend literature, concepts or ideas on cohesive factors binding students together in a Community of Learners? I am writing a series of articles on Communities of Learners. Now I am...
18 August 2014 6,399 7 View