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Questions related from Nelson Orringer
Comic art has received differing explanations since Aristotle´s "Poetics." Bergson in his essay "Laughter" conceives of comedy as deshumanization of human beings into things or machines. How do...
16 May 2014 4,129 35 View
When artists try to cultivate art in three dimensions, works like Michelangelos' "David" result, or the great mobiles we find in airports and stations, or the unusually structured airports...
29 April 2014 3,288 74 View
Does humor belong in music? In the West, the three B´s, Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms, dominate classical music and are mostly serious. What is your view? Can you provide examples of humorous...
02 April 2014 3,537 78 View
What distinguishes professionalism in academics from other involvements? Everyone praises the nobleness of academics, but what makes us "professional" in practice? To be "professional," some of...
12 January 2014 4,401 48 View
By analogy with philosophy which reflects on philosophizing as part of itself, metafiction is currently conceived as fiction whose remarks about fiction-writing form part of the artwork itself....
30 December 2013 5,828 52 View
Which is superior, enjoyment of art for its own forms or fruition which produces deep emotions like sadness or gladness? Why? My wife reads, looks at paintings, goes to classical concerts to feel...
24 December 2013 10,005 16 View
Many of us academicians are multilingual. We want our published ideas given as much worldwide diffusion as possible. Yet some of the highest ranked scholarly journals prohibit publication of...
10 December 2013 318 8 View
I have been examining the relationship between the poet-playwright Garcia Lorca and composer Falla, using motivic analysis recommended by Juan David Garcia Bacca. I would like to know of similar...
19 November 2013 9,641 39 View
For instance, fauvism and cubism received their names as jokes, and oftentimes artists receiving such classifications reject them: for instance, Debussy and Ravel did not rejoice being classified...
17 November 2013 9,728 13 View
Since Hesiod spoke of the various mythical ages of man - the gold, the silver, the bronze- historians have been applying golden and silver ages to the histories of particular cultures: Greece,...
04 November 2013 5,135 23 View