Hi everyone.

I have been trying to use the make.contigs command in Mothur with little success (nothing wrong with the pipeline- I think the problem is me or my data- or both!).

I have a bacterial Illumina Miseq run with forward and reverse reads in fast.q files. I received two reads (forward and reverse -R1 and R2) from the sequencing company (Mr. DNA). These contain all samples ie. I don't have individual reads per sample. I have the barcode information. The primers used were 515f and 806r.

The command won't make the group file I think as it is not realising the sample ID's no matter what I try with different oligo files. (I cannot make a stability file as I do not have files of individual reads per sample). I've tried a lot of things within Mothur but to no avail.

I guess I am just asking for advice is anybody has encountered similar and how they went about this initial step. We want to use Mothur for the analysis but I understand the initial step of joining/trimming etc with the raw files could be performed using another program.

Best wishes,


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