I have a setting of 4 groups of normally distributed data and unequal sample sizes. Alpha-level is set at 0,05 in all analyses.
To see if there are any differences between the groups I've run (with SPSS) an ANOVA and Tukey HSD post hoc test. SPSS provides also the Welch test for cases with unequal variances (= significant Levene's test with p < 0,05), and with these I've used Games-Howell as a post hoc test.
However, there a few cases in which the Levene's test p > 0,05 and Welch test p < 0,05 (with GH finding significant differences between groups). In some of these cases the omnibus ANOVA p is significant but the Tukey HSD doesn't yield significant differences between the groups.
Welch test can be certainly used instead of ANOVA when the variances are unequal, but can it (with GH post hoc) also be used when the variances are somewhat equal according to the Levene's test?