01 November 2018 4 3K Report

📷I have question about the distance measurement by sonar wave. I try to use the ray tracing concept to explain how does the sound signal to estimate the distance. Now regard the acoustic transducer produces a beam(a group of rays)rather than a sound wave as figure below shown (the transducer will produce a beam in each scan). We know when a ray hit a plane it will be reflected, and there are 2 types of reflection: specular reflection and diffuse reflection. In the Figure below, the BLACK double arrow represent the incident ray and its diffuse reflected ray that return to the transducer; the RED double arrow represent the normal incident and reflection ray (the normal reflection also return to the transducer, this is belong to the specular reflection); the green arrow represent the specular reflected rays, which are return to the transducer. Based on the statement above, one scan will led the transducer receive multiple signals (the normal reflection, the diffuse reflections). The first received signal is the normal reflection because the normal reflection has the shortest TOF (time of flight), so we use the TOF of the first received signal to calculate the distance and then the depth. Is this distance measurement is right? We use the first received signal to calculate the distance?

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