Death is the ultimate destination of everything, from a bacteria to a Galaxy.
Like many other efforts categorised under different subjects, use of knowledge of Genetics can contribute in different ways to delay death by increasing lifespan, preventing some diseases etc.
If you could COPY PASTE the blog about the TV series Through the Wormhole season 8, episode 2, Can we cheat death, I am sure you should be having a bit of common sense to read it completely and watch the series. You should be feeling ashamed of just copy pasting this whole text, you cant even ask a genuine question or present your own idea.
put this question in a different way, can we improve life using genomics, sure we can do? Sure slowly like any other technology, genomics has both + and - of genomics. Compare it with nuclear technology, it has positive in energy generation, but can harm us in big way also. Hence, a positive mindset and careful use of any technology will help in human life.
I think neither Genetics, Biotechnology, nor Genetic engineering can. Genetics has long ignored the quantitative analytical methods. Only quantitative new Proteomics the PDMD method can uniquely confer.
Humans is always fighting against virus, bacteria and fungi. Liver cancer is caused by co-infection of HIV-1 and HCV (please see file; HepG2 Fucoidan), and healed by edible Japanese fucoidan without side-effects (sulphated poly-L-fucose) (please see file; Rat DEN Np-Fuco).
Humans is unexpectedly consisted of 80% own genes or proteins and 20% invading microbes (containing fungi, insect, nematode, and plant). Thus, humans is needed to become or return to the own character after 7-times of rebirth or reincarnation as firstly indicated by famous Indian Philosopher Gautama Buddha and also indicated my esteeming Italian Philosopher Giordano Bruno.
Median human life-span has been recently re-estimated as 750 y (please see Fig. 4 of the file; J Chrom B rat BIN LIP Km). This amended result is due to the kind suggestion to use linear-regression line by my friend physicist Dr. Kenji Nishi (studied at MIT).
Therefore, Adequate intake of Nutritions gives the answer to prevent death without help of doctors (please see file; Feed by Measure).
Adequate intake of Nutritions requires considerable cost. Thus, I am now being bothered by the economic friction and the poverty.
Death is the ultimate destination of everything, from a bacteria to a Galaxy.
Like many other efforts categorised under different subjects, use of knowledge of Genetics can contribute in different ways to delay death by increasing lifespan, preventing some diseases etc.
In the near term, the improvement in the field of genomics is likely to alleviate infectious diseases, with longer-term benefits envisaged for chronic disorders.
The ongoing GENOMICS revolution, highlighted by the sequencing of the human genome, promises to change how diseases are diagnosed, prevented, and treated. It has tremendous potential to improve health globally.
Although the benefits of alleviation of infectious diseases are obvious, it is now believed that the information generated by genomics will, in the long term, also play a major role in the prevention, diagnosis, and management of many diseases which hitherto have been difficult or impossible to control, including cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, the major psychoses, dementia, rheumatic disease, and asthma.
Wright AF, van Heyningen V. Shortcut to disease genes. Nature. 2001;414:705–706. [PubMed]
No, the time written by Allah Almighty is fixed for our death; so it is inevitable. Genomics is helping, and will help in changing the whole paradigm of diagnosing and treating diseases and many other factors related to our lives. As mentioned by respected sir, kou Hayakawa, genomics must play it's role in eliminating economic disparities and poverty among nations around the globe.
Actually, I can understand very well that death is the ultimate truth of life. However, we are only assuming this till now. Before 100 years, who did believe that one day Man can reach the Moon, the Mars? So, you never know what miracles are going to happen. Cheating death (upto today's knowledge) is a myth. But who knows, may be some day it will be practically possible. Thanks for your views.
I want to add my opinion. My philosophical and biochemical friend of Late Dr. Youichi Hatori (Department of Agricultural Chemistry, The University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan) has declared that " please do not believe the Television. It seems a notorious Simulation". Thus, persons of USA have not reached to the Moon yet.
My teacher Prof. Dr. Sakuzu Fukui (Institute of Applied Microbiology, The University of Tokyo, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, Japan) has teached me "please do not believe the results of Microscope and Electron Microscope", and I have started to determine molecules by using quantitative HPLC-photometric method (please see the book; My battle in Biochemical Biotin Study). Therefore, determination of human serum biotinidase activity has shown that human life span is 174y using quadratic regression curve (please see Fig. 4 of the file; J Chrom B Rat BIN LIP Km). However, this value is recently amended by using the non-parametric statistics and the linear regression line to be c.a. 750y (my unpublished result).
Similarly, notorious Dr. François Jacob (Jewish Geneticist) has produced the modern Genetics (such as notorious Lactose operon theory) for c.a. 50 years ago.
Similarly, notorious Dr. Albert Einstein (Jewish Physicist) has produced a notorious theory about the Universe. The Universe is not describable by using a symmetric Mathematics (Mathematics is an Ideal as firstly indicated by famous Greece Philosopher Dr. Platon, but famous Greece Philosopher Dr. Aristotelēs does not like to use it in Biology.
Famous Italian Scientist Dr. Giordano Bruno has indicated that Humans should do Reincarnation. Famous Indian Dr. Gautama Buddha also said that living things do Reincarnation. This estimation is due to the finding that the human cell contains c.a. 20% of virus and bacteria (please see file; HepG2 fucoidan).
By the way, I would like to question "how does Dr. Abhijeet Singh aware or have the evidence of USA's Moon travel deeply".
Very cool question, important to consider. The average life span of human being in the developed world is somewhere between 70 and 80 years. Now, what does it mean to cheat death? Don't forget that our life expectancy has already increased over the last 200 years by approximately twofold (Steven Pinker's book "enlightenment now" offers a good discussion of the underlying reasons). So in a way, we have been cheating death for around that period already. If you are talking about true immortality, you are referring to an increase that is way beyond that order of magnitude and I reckon that there is not any single mechanism to make that possible. However, genomics has identified several key components associated with longevity and we should definitely focus on utilizing them in order to provide all human beings with a life span that is the maximum that is possible for us. The next reasonable goal is probably to aim for a life expectancy of 150 years. After that many years, our stem cell's telomers are depleted and supply of somatic cells becomes highly problematic. After that - let's see. Step after step, as we've always moved forward in science.
To answer your question, you first have to answer the question "what does it mean that something is 'alive' "? Then you have to get rid of the 2nd law of thermodynamics (law of increased entropy). Do immortal cancer cells never die as long as you keep feeding them? Or will the the 2nd law of thermodynamics catch up with them? For those that want to become an immortal cancer cell, do you really want that "uncontrolled cell cycle"? Genomics may increase your your life span by a nano fraction , compared to eternity, and increasing your telomer length doesn't guarantee immorality.
The deeper that I dig into science "the more questions it raises!" Every answer always leads to more questions. It also leads to more and more chicken-egg questions? What came first: DNA or the polymerase enzyme protein, male species or female species, etc? No one can answer these chicken-egg questions, we can speculate and come up with "pet theories", but pet theories are just assumptions that , for the most part, can't be proven by applying the scientific method. Thus we come back to the same problem Louis Pasteur and the early microbiologists had with "spontaneous generation", and came to the conclusion that "life begets life". Thus I come to the same conclusion Einstein, and others did, that there has to be a God, and " ...God doesn't play dice!-Einstein.