I have found www.statsoft.co.uk/main.php?t=4 to be a good site. There are also ebooks from amazon or apple ibooks that are both free and very good. Make sure you search for statistical analysis to get the best list.
The student may need to sift thru the web-site a little but you can find lots of intro-stuff (including some of the sites mentioned in above posts) here:
And if the student has questions and is willing to show that he/she is pushing hard to learn and engage with the material, there is a fantastic statistics discussion forum called TalkStats:
I started contributing to this site two years ago and am now an official contributor. It's a very friendly bunch of graduate students and professionals all spending their spare time helping people learn statistics and statistical programming.
this webpage incorporates exercises with solutions. Topics are introduced in short, easy-to-understand lessons; and on-line help is just a mouse click away.
Try the UCLA statistics website. They have nice descriptions of different tests, their assumptions, similaritiies and differences. Also they have lots of basic SAS code you can use for simple tests.
I have used http://www.itl.nist.gov/div898/handbook/index.htm which Jochen mentioned, it's easy to follow and pretty comprehensive. Good for beginners.
Actually a tough one because so many online courses are tied to a particular software. Although I do like PSPP because it's free, "learn-as-you-go" and so much like SPSS. As far as free analysis software is concerned I suppose there's the good old (free) EpiStat from NIH, or the (heh, heh) M.D. Anderson Statistical Software Library. Or, to go window shopping please see http://statpages.org/javasta2.html . There you'll find everything mentioned here and much, much more.
SAS is your best resource. They have training program on elearining, extension and on demand services. If you are serious about being a statistician or academic researcher then get in touch with them immediately. Talk to Julie Petlick. She is in charge of education and training for SAS. Tell her I sent you as she knows me personallly and has made a huge difference in my life. She has encouraged me to not only take advanced statistics but to work on my programming to get SAS certified. Go to SAS online, but get involved and write to them. They also have forums and the people are really friendly and will help you learn SAS. Best :) Patrice