i need a stepwise on how I can use excel to determine ic50, I worked on the cell growth and need to determine, I worked on three extract I need the Ic50 to be able to determine the activity of the of the extract on my cell line
You may use Hill formula for calculation EC50 in Excel (it is in the attachment). You just have to copy absorption data into C11:E18; also to enter your used concentration into cells A11:A18. Then by using Solver you should change data in cells B37 and B40 in order to minimize the sum in E34.
Your formula corresponds to the linear interpolation of 2 pairs of values (Concentration and "%viable cells") and it is ONLY valid in a rectilinear range of the dose-response curve. In addition, dose-response curves usually use the log transformed drug concentration, which you don't take into account.
While the formula may be used (ensuring that several assumptions are met) I would not recommend it. You should take a look at Vilma workbook.
The workbook shared by Vilma allows a robust and accurate estimation of the IC50 and I would recommend it instead. I shared here on RG (1 or 2 years ago) a similar excel workbook including clear instructions on how to use it, but I failed to find it.