I want to clone a viral membrane protein in pGAPZαA (Yeast expression vector) which have N terminal signal sequence during infection it transport it into host(mammalian cell) golgi body and where whole protein cleaved in 2 parts by Furin enzyme. pGAPZαA have α Secretory signal which help in transport recombinant protein outside of the cell.

Please suggest me some doubt on that

1- If I express same protein in pichia pastoris will it cleaved in golgi body into 2 part or not?

2- If I clone full length protein with its signal sequence just after α Secretory signal of pGAPZαA then both signal sequence will work together or not?

3- α Secretory signal of pGAPZαA will be able to export the protein outside the cell OR it will incorporates in Membrane of pichia pastoris due to presence of its trans membrane domain?

4- Can anybody give me reference related to my Query?

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