I am expressing 6xHis tagged 8.5KDa human Protein (pI~4.19) which cloned into pET21b expression vector and express in BL21 DE3 Codon plus strain. I see expression when I mix bacterial pellet with SDS Gel loading dye(Gel loading buffer contains 0.05% bromophenol blue , 40% sucrose, 0.1M EDTA (pH 8.0) and 0.5% SDS) and heat at 95°C for 5 miutes and then load on 15%SDS PAGE. But when I lysed it with lysis buffer (500mM NaCl, 20mM Tris pH 8.0, 2mM Benzamidine and 10 µg/ml Soyabean Trypsin inhibitor) and then sonicate it with pulse 2 Second ON and 12 second OFF For 6 Minutes with 32% amplitude, I am not able to see expression in supernatant as well as in pellet.

I also purified it with Ni-NTA beads and elute with 150, 250, 350 and 450 mM Imidazole but nothing was detectable on gel.

I also monitored OD of Induced and Uninduced culture for see whether my protein is toxic to cell or not and Uninduced culture grow at double rate compare to Induced culture.

Please suggest me-

1. Is my protein toxic to bacterial cell?

2. Is there any relation with pI of protein and pH of lysis buffer? As my protein pI is 4.19 and I am using lysis buffer with pH 8. If yes then what will be suitable pH for lysis buffer and its composition?

3. Whether my protein is express or not?

All gel picture and OD data is attached with word file.

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