Hi iPSC users,

I've just joined a new lab and am doing iPSC culture for the first time.

The culture is pretty well set up, no problems, and all the differentiation protocols are working well.

Most of the culture conditions we use require feeding (half medium change) every 2 days.

Now, I live a 2.5h return journey away, so changing medium on the weekend is a very annoying hassle for me. But at the same time I don't want to ask someone every single weekend.

I am very tempted to try if I can feed mon-wed-fri (with an extra few 100ul to account for evaporation on Friday).

Is there any scientific reason why that should not work? Is there a reagent in the media that will be used up after 2 days, or is the feeding just because of evaporation?

I realise this will differ between cell types upon differentiation, but let's say it's just standard fibroblast-derived iPSCs.

Edit: They are in Essential-8 flex medium. But nobody here leaves them longer than every other day feeding.

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