You may be able to do that, please look at the file I sent you. Anyway you need to have a reference gene. With the calculation of reaction efficiency your comparison would be more accurate. Instead of the control group that you don't have, you can use any other groups which the comparison might be interesting.
The standard protocol is to compare it with the control as you want to see the effect of your treatment on gene expression. Now you only have the option to compare it with other treatment.
what about having a control gene but with is no control sample. Can we compare two groups of samples without a control sample with a control gene instead?
My objective was to assess the correlation of leptin gene expression and dietary intake of fatty acids in a cross-sectional study. I have the Ct of leptin and GAPDH (housekeeping).
For me, I compared the samples after and before the treatments. There where no control in the experiment. This is why I had to consider the expression before treatment is the control for each type of treatments. But you can not do the calculations if you do not have a control.